Wanyika is a database of scientific dates from archaeological sites in eastern Africa spanning ~ 5000 BCE to 1800 CE -
Schema 1 faunal distributions
Roman archaeofaunal data collected in accordance to the structural metadata described in Schema 1. The initial data collection was for Roman Italy. -
Isotòpia: A Stable Isotope Database for Classical Antiquity
Isotòpia is an open-access database that contains more than 36,000 stable isotope measurements of bioarchaeological remains dating back to Classical Antiquity (c. 800 BCE - 500... -
Coinage database for Roman Anatolia
There is no description for this dataset
NARIA isotopic datasets
NARIA isotopic datasets. The datasets are made available under a CC-BY license. -
IsoMad Modern Biological Material
This repository includes: 1) a compilation of isotopic data gathered from biological materials collected within the past 150 years from both the terrestrial and nearshore marine... -
MAIA: Mediterranean Archive of Isotopic dAta
The MAIA (Mediterranean Archive of Isotopic dAta) database gathers isotopic data from the beginning of the Neolithic to the end of the Iron Age in the Mediterranean Basin.... -
The South American Archaeological Isotopic Database (SAAID) is a comprehensive open-access resource that aggregates all available bioarchaeological stable and radiogenic isotope... -
An archaeozoological dataset for the Netherlands
An archaeozoological dataset containing numbers of identified fragments for domestic cattle, sheep/goat, pig and horse from archaeological sites in the Netherlands dating from... -
North Central Asia isotopic dataset
Compilation of data from published archaeological sources of both human and faunal stable isotopes across North Central Asia. The compilation includes a listing of georeferenced... -
CIMA: Compendium Isotoporum Medii Aevi
The Compendium Isotoporum Medii Aevi (CIMA) gathers more than 50 000 isotopic measurements for bioarchaeological samples located within Europe and its margins dating between... -
Zanadamu is a comprehensive geo-temporal-referenced dataset that compiles all published stable isotope carbon and oxygen measurements on tooth enamel from African hominins,... -
AfriArch isotopic dataset
The dataset contains bioarchaeological isotopic measurements from African archaeological sites dating to the Holocene. Modern samples were included if reported within... -
Historical database of equines in Crete
The dataset was created to document the occurrence of equines and their spatiotemporal distribution on Crete. Therefore, published osteological material - supplemented with... -
TOOTHFIR: Fourier Transform Infra-red Spectroscopy data from archaeological...
Compilation of FTIR data for archaeological tooth enamel -
MeosRAD v1.4: Lowland Maya Radiocarbon Dates
The Mesoamerican Radiocarbon Database (MesoRAD) compiles radiocarbon dates from the archaeological literature of Mesoamerica. This is the inaugural data set published in JOAD.... -
There is no description for this dataset
Amalthea: a Database of Isotopic measurements on Archaeological and Forensic...
Amalthea is a global database of stable isotope measurements on tooth increments from archaeological and modern individuals spanning more than 7,000 years. The dataset includes... -
RADON - Radiocarbon dates online
The database is the part of the Journal for Neolithic Archaeology. Accordingly, the following citation should be used: Martin Hinz, Martin Furholt, Johannes Müller, Dirk... -
This dataset collects the Greek painted Geometric, Orientalizing pottery, and Attic production of Black-figure pottery with horse depiction. All equines (horses, mules,...