DATAMESOP: Dataset on inorganic stAble isoTope meAsurement (strontiuM, oxygen and carbon) on archaEological and non-archaeological materialS frOm arabic Peninsula and Iran
Data and Resources
This xlsx file contains all the data collected for the DATAMESOP dataset
DATAMESOP.csv (sep = ";")
This CSV file contains all the data collected for the DATAMESOP dataset
Metadata for DATAMESOP.xlsx
This xlsx file contains all the Metadata connected to the DATAMESOP dataset
Metadata for DATAMESOP.csv (sep = ";")
This CSV file contains all the Metadata connected to the DATAMESOP dataset
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Existing DOI | |
Assigned DOI | |
Version | 1.0 |
Author | Matteo Giaccari, Licia Romano, Mary Anne Tafuri |
Author Email | Matteo Giaccari, Licia Romano, Mary Anne Tafuri |
Maintainer | Matteo Giaccari |
Maintainer Email | Matteo Giaccari |
Chronological range (min) | 15000 |
Chronological range (max) | 0 |
Spatial Box | 23, 34.4, 39.6737606, 60.641080 |