
AustArch: a radiocarbon database for Australia

The AustArch dataset consists of 5,044 radiocarbon determinations from 1,748 archaeological sites across Australia. The dataset also contains a further 478 non-radiocarbon ages. The dataset includes all radiocarbon and non-radiocarbon ages associated with archaeological deposits published in the last 60 years of research. AustArch is also part of CARD.

Further Reading: Williams, A.N., Smith, M.A., Turney, C.S.M., Cupper, M.L. (2008a) AustArch 1: A database of 14C and luminescence ages from archaeological sites in the Australian Arid Zone. Australian Archaeology 66, 99. Williams, A.N., Smith, M.A. (2012) AustArch 2: A database of 14C and luminescence ages from archaeological sites in the Top End. Australian Archaeology 47: 146. Williams A.N., Smith, M.A. (2013) AustArch3: A database of 14C and luminescence ages from archaeological sites in southern Australia. Australian Archaeology 76:102. Williams, A.N., Ulm, S., Smith, M.A., Reid, J. (2014a) AustArch: A Database of 14C and Non-14C Ages from Archaeological Sites in Australia - Composition, Compilation and Review (Data Paper). Internet Archaeology 36: doi:10.11141/ia.36.6